Blog > Rambling Session (11/04/2023)

Rambling Session (11/04/2023)

Rambling Session (11/04/2023)

Well, if you read yesterday’s post, you’d know we were planning to expand our chicken flock next year, but hit an obstacle. We did some digging and ended up finding most of the breeds we wanted at another hatchery - Meyer’s Hatchery. 

So, we ended up going with 15 chicks that are due in mid March. 1 Ancona, 2 Black Copper Marans, 2 Barred Rocks, 1 Buff Brauma, 2 Buff Orpingtons, 1 Easter Egger, 2 Green Queens, 2 Silver Laced Wyandottes, and 2 Welsumers. 

We should be ready to rock! My wife has big plans for managing the flock and starting to do some breeding and hatching of her own. I’m excited to see what she comes up with!

As for today’s smokes, I went with a San Andres theme for Saturday - The new Black Star Line Rosewood 1923 from the Oveja Negra Factory and the Principle Accomplice Maduro Robusto for the Julian Sued Factory. Both killer blends. The Accomplice is a go to for me and the Rosewood could easily be as well. Both have classic Maduro flavors of coffee, chocolate, and earth. Both are very well rounded, full flavored, but medium-ish strength at most. They perfectly accompanied an afternoon of barn and farm work!

I’m typically a Connecticut or Pennsylvania broadleaf fan when it comes to Maduros. What’s your favorite Maduro wrapper?

Take Care,


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