“This was a great way to close out the Monster Mash Series. I thought this blend offered a bit more dimension than I was actually anticipating. The final third was especially enjoyable with the introduction of baking spices and cream. I would be curious to know what the undisclosed components, and/or what the base blend was for this as I would smoke these again, or something similar.
Final Score - 6.83/10
Concluding the series, my ranking is:
Mummy (8.83) > Bride (8.5) > Michael (7.75) > Frank (7.5) > Jason (7.08) > Hyde (7) = Krueger (7) > Creature (6.83) > Chuck (6.75) > Tiff (6.67) > Face (6.5) = Drac (6.5) > Wolf (5.5) > Jekyll (5.17)”
Read the full review here.