There are a ton of great cigars out on the market at varying price points. Much like everything, cigar price plays a huge role in what you buy, what you smoke, and the perception of quality. There is no “wrong” price point out there because if consumers are regularly purchasing it, then it must be priced fairly. However, as with anything, higher prices often come with the expectation of higher quality. There are multiple things that factor into the price of a cigar such as the amount of tobacco, the type and age of the tobacco, the factory, the branding, and so on and so forth.
A cigar with years and years of age on the tobacco pre-roll or cigar post roll will, in general and all else the same, be priced higher than a cigar with less age. Aging tobacco takes time, space, and resources, and this inherently drives up the cost of the product. If the tobacco is processed and the cigar is rolled at a factory in a more developed country, the costs will be higher, and those costs passed onto the consumer. Finally, if the cigar is finished off with a primary band, secondary band, and foot band, inside an ornately decorated cedar box, that cigar is going to have more substantial branding costs associated with it than a bundle brand sold in butcher paper.
All this to say, there are genuine and logical reasons for the varying price points of cigars. However, as with anything in the world of cigars, every consumer is different. Consequently, a $30 cigar may be great for one smoker, while a $10 cigar is better for another smoker. Also, the frequency in which you smoke plays a substantial role in the kinds of cigars you smoke. There’s no way most people can reasonably smoke a $30 cigar daily, or even a few days a week. However, $6 - $8 is very approachable.
The issue lies in that it can be hard, even when you know it's not true, to not question the quality of a “cheap” cigar. In my opinion, most smokers really wouldn’t even know the difference in an $8 cigar compared to a $30 cigar if they were handed them blindly. Ya know, that would make for a really interesting experiment… Hmmm…
Anyway… I wanted to create a sampler of some “Bang for Your Buck” cigars that I think will change your mind on “cheap” cigars. These are all premium, quality cigars that I believe punch beyond their price point. If someone handed me any of these blind, I would easily peg them for being priced $3, $4, heck maybe even $5 more than they actually are. And because I want people to really try these, I am making them even more affordable…
For $41.00 shipped you will get 7 cigars… What?! I had to limit how many of these were put together for this price, so act fast! Get it HERE!
1 - Principle Cigars Bad Principles Magnum - $6.00 MSRP
1 - Crowned Heads Juarez Chihuahua - $7.00 MSRP
1 - Casa Cuevas Connecticut Robusto - $8.10 MSRP
1 - Xhaxhi Bobi Grey Robusto - $8.00 MSRP
1 - Principle Cigars Frothy Monkey Signature - $6.00 MSRP
1 - Patina Habano Precipitation - $7.95 MSRP
1 - RoMa Craft Aquitaine Knuckle Dragger - $8.25 MSRP
The blends, factories, and profiles vary across all these cigars, but they have a couple things in common: incredible quality and value.
The Bad Principles Magnum is possibly the biggest value on the list. A 6 x 54 full of dark fruit, leather, brown sugar, and pastry dough that burns for nearly 2 hours?
The Juarez Chihuahua is always a popular cigar and in the discussion when value is brought up. This rich, flavorful 5 ½ x 48 delivers all the things you know and love from Crowned Heads
I am almost positive that the Casa Cuevas Connecticut will be the biggest surprise in this sampler. An absolutely beautiful 5 x 50 robusto that delivers some of the subtle, creamy elegance you expect from a Connecticut cigar, but with so much more depth of flavor.
The Xhaxhi Bobi Grey is a quintessential Dominican puro full of sweetness and spices. This 5 x 50 offers plenty to the smoker that looks for bold flavors, while simultaneously satisfying the smoker that craves nuance and complexity.
The Frothy Monkey Signature is a delightful little 5 x 40 that packs rich flavors of citrus sweetness, wood, earth, and cacao. It is a great cigar to experience the unique Dominican Cotui tobacco.
I feel like you already know about the Patina Habano Precipitation if you have followed me for any period of time. I have said it before and will say it again: this is my “Desert Island” cigar.
The boldest cigar on this list is the Aquitaine Knuckle Dragger. This 4 x 52 packs a punch, both in terms of flavor and strength. Don’t be intimidated if you are leery of full flavor, body, and strength. Just slow your roll and take your time embracing all this cigar has to offer.
Head over to the shop and pick up this sampler and let me know your thoughts! If you made it through this whole read, I appreciate you sticking it out and would love to hear your thoughts, criticisms, questions, or recommendations in the comments below! Thank you!