Blog > A Rebrand: Changes Are Coming Soon…

A Rebrand: Changes Are Coming Soon…

A Rebrand: Changes Are Coming Soon…

If you have been following along since the beginning then you know that Guitars & Cigars Farm LLC was not formed with the intent of becoming what it has. I originally created the name when I began posting to Instagram. At the time the name was fitting - I live on a small hobby farm and am passionate about Cigars and Guitars. The business was formed in January 2022 after a bit of a nudge from the guys at Whiskey & Whitetails, as I had been writing cigar reviews and articles for them for a few months, and was in the process of building them a guitar.

I kept the name when I launched the business because it made sense for my initial plans, as it was already established and my intent was to continue down the road of producing content surrounding cigars and guitar building. Needless to say, those plans changed - I entered the cigar retail game, and it is clear that a lot of my attention has shifted towards building an online shop that offers great cigars that I enjoy and want to offer and showcase. My Instagram page also leans heavily into the cigar side.

My passions have not changed -  I still consider the love for cigars and the love for guitars as equal, and I still try to shine a light on both. However, as I begin to better understand my audience, my tendencies, and my goals, I have realized that I can no longer showcase this equality clearly and effectively under one umbrella brand. Therefore I have made the decision to divide and conquer.

In the coming weeks Guitars & Cigars Farm will become The Cigar Farm and Featherfoot Guitars. Two brands that will operate as the channels through which each of my two passions will get to stand out on their own. 

The Cigar Farm will be the brand, as you may have guessed, that encompasses all things cigars. The name is a bit of an ode to Guitars & Cigars Farm. It is important to me to pay homage to my roots with both brands moving forward, although I also think that this new name for the cigar side will aid in the mostly seamless rebranding. Due to the nature of my current social accounts and the current website, in the coming weeks you can expect that the handles of the current Guitars & Cigars Farm social accounts, and the domain name of the current website ( will change to The Cigar Farm ( The content of the current social accounts will NOT change as a result of the rebrand, as they are already everything that The Cigar Farm is and will be. The website will remain MOSTLY UNCHANGED, with the exception of the removal of the Guitars page. Also I will maintain the domain name “” indefinitely and it will redirect appropriately!

Featherfoot Guitars has been, since the inception of Guitars & Cigars Farm, the name I have envisioned for my custom guitars. Named after one of our original chickens, “Featherfoot”, the idea behind Featherfoot Guitars was to create individual and original guitars that I felt compelled and inspired to create. It takes time to hand make an instrument, and time is something I wish I had more of. This is the reason that the guitar side of my current business has taken a bit of an unintentional, and unfair, backseat to the cigar side. I believe that this rebrand will allow Featherfoot Guitars to get the attention they deserve from both myself and from those who follow along. For this reason, @featherfootguitars is the new home on social media for all my guitar content. Currently leads nowhere, but in due time that will become the internet home for the brand.

Closing Thoughts

Thank you to everyone who has followed along and supported me on this journey and I hope that you continue to follow both brands moving forward, but if you are only here for one of the two, then now I will be able to better tailor the experience of that brand to you! As it stands I am hoping to make the transition in the coming weeks. Many things are already in place to make the transition as seamless as possible and I hope that things continue to go smoothly. I am currently awaiting some new logos that better illustrate each brand. Once they are completed, there will be some last minute items to take care of, including a final reminder, and then it will be go time! I am super excited about this move and I know it will benefit all parties involved.

Stay Tuned!

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns let me know via the comments or email me at

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